Hi and thanks for checking in. I’m Brian. I live in beautiful Argyll in, currently, pleasantly sunny Scotland, and the idea of Idlemild is to hopefully inspire and promote the positive despite the many undoubted issues facing the world and its impact on ourselves as individuals. I have a spinal injury which has increasingly had an impact on my abilities physically over the past 15 years or so. I have experienced many ups and downs and the past five years especially have been extremely tough.
I took a very serious infection from a pressure sore in late 2016 which, but for the heroics of an astonishing team of NHS medics and surgeons, could have killed me and it has been a long way back physically and emotionally to where I find myself now.
Idlemild reflects my current situation where I continue with my recovery from the pressure sore, which means I remain on some bed rest as my wounds continue to heal. I am in a much better place all round and despite my often turbulent life-changing health concerns, the things I have loved most in life remain and continue to inspire and bring joy even while I’m unable to participate and engage in the same way now as I had done previously, nowadays adapting to life being mildly idle.
I intend to discuss thoughts on my own experience with living with spinal injury as well as its associated drawbacks, where I have had to adapt and where, often unexpectedly, I have stumbled upon many new advances, influences and coping devices to help see me through during my own personal lockdown.
Music, books, film, sport, art and friends and family all play a part in keeping me connected. One of the best pieces of advice I have received while on permanent bed rest was to use social media to be a force for good in combatting boredom and isolation, to find a spark and encourage and be encouraged by the people you love, people I’ve no doubt I will be mentioning here along the way.
I am often seen and noted as being an inspiration in how I have found new ways to adapt and prosper despite these traumas and setbacks and I greatly appreciate the kindness of everyone who have played their part, knowing and unknowing, through their words of support, continuing friendship and/or creativity.
This blog is a chance for me to show my appreciation for that by attempting to put into words how much a part this has played in aiding my recovery, all the while striving to maintain a strong mental attitude while living with long term health concerns. [
I hope you can take the positives, some comfort and guidance from my blog.
I’m looking forward to seeing where this idea takes me and my readers.
Enjoy the journey.